Friday, August 31, 2012

DeadLock on Single table with mutiple Update statement from 3 different stored procedure

Deadlock Scenario is more likely:

Same records in same table (***_tab) is update with 3 different SP parallel, but the columns are different (col1,col2,col3).

member_id int not null,
state_desc char(2),
business_type varchar(5),
col1 char(1),
col2 char(1),
col3 char(1)

Create clustered index CL_index_***
on ***_tab (member_id, state_desc)
This 3 SPs are running parllel to update the same records in same table, but different columns.

@ElligibleMember will have some record for processing in batch, say for example 100

INSERT INTO @ElligibleMember
SELECT top (@batchSize) sm.member_id FROM
***_tab sm WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE col1 ='N' AND state_desc=@state


UPDATE em SET em.col2='Y'
INNER JOIN @ElligibleMember ema ON ema.member_id=em.member_id

UPDATE em SET em.col1='Y'
INNER JOIN @ElligibleMember emp ON emp.member_id=em.member_id

UPDATE em SET em.col3='Y'
INNER JOIN @ElligibleMemberStatus ems ON ems.member_id=em.member_id

Deadlock happens when change to nonclusterd index

1)      P2 (Exclusive)locks the Rowid in Page id = 1743304

2)      P1(Update)locks the keylock(Identifies the key range within an index on which a lock is held or requested) on HOBT(Represents a heap or b-tree involved in a deadlock) in index “NDX_index_***

3)      P2 is waiting for P1 locked resource

4)      P1 is waiting for P2 locked resource


Dead lock happens when change to record selection using NEWID() and HOLDLOCK,
First Dead lock
process6063dc8(P1) = SP1
processe23b708(P2) = SP2
      Resource(R1) ridlock fileid=1 pageid=1789383
            Owner = P1, waiter = P2
      Resource(R2) ridlock fileid=1 pageid=1789411
            Owner = P2, waiter = P1
Second Dead Lock         
processe26ddc8(P1) =  SP1
process12226988(P2) = SP2
      Resource(R1) ridlock fileid=1 pageid=1418983
            Owner = P1, waiter = P2
      Resource(R2) ridlock fileid=1 pageid=1418994
            Owner = P2, waiter = P1

 We have tried recommendation to eliminate the deadlock

1) Covered the Update statement with a transaction block and Join the Temp table variable in INNER JOIN which is not recommended but we tested to eliminated the deadlock

2) Tried removing non-clustered index and created Clustered index , added WITH(HOLDLOCK) in update statement.

3) And give NEWID(), in the select statement to picks the random record from selecting the different rows in other SP, so that 3 sp can update random records.

4) Eliminate join in Update, because the Temp table Variable records are not deleted, so planned to use Update (@batchSize) as select Statement

5) Place the With(UPDLOCK) in Select so that it can prevent the records being read by other SPs

6) Planned to Catch the deadlock in try..catch block and redo the process(Update statement), which is not recommended in medisys, we are trying to eliminate the deadlock.

7)Change the logical flow of 3 SP by sequential


Solution in our scenario got by 7th option

                7)Change the logical flow of 3 SP to sequential


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